Knowing solid boat extraction techniques is essential,
All the essential knots and boat retrieval techniques clearly illustrated and explained.
On durable waterproof paper that folds out, a great tool for clubs and schools as well as individual boaters.
Meant for bringing along with you on any kayak or whitewater trip. It is a thin pamphlet that is waterproof.
When a boat gets pinned while whitewater kayaking or canoeing, knowing solid boat extraction techniques is essential for retrieving it safely. How to retrieve a pinned kayak or canoe using methods ranging from pushing and pulling to setting up a mechanical advantage system, often called a Z-drag.
You can use a Z Line/Drag at home for moving heavy objects, you don’t have to be rescuing someone!
Information Included:
Basic Z-drag 3:1
Vector Pull 2:1
Z+C 6:1
Double Z 9:1
Water Knot
Double Fishermen's Knot
Prusik Knot
Double Figure 8 Knot
Bowline Knot
See our Basic Kayak Rescue Kit Here
*From our lawyers: This information is a supplement to, not a substitute for, hands-on training classes.